Promotion Optimization for Retail 

Leverage Halo Effects to achieve the right mix of promotional and non-promotional items


Maximize promo effectiveness

Daisy’s AI-powered Retail Promotion Optimization Solution incorporates Halo Effects to recommend the right mix of items to promote and not promote, at the right time and in the right channels, personalized to your particular customers.  

The Halo Effect considers all the relationships between your products to ensure Daisy's recommendations increase your traffic and basket size.

We’re offering


A Retail Promotion Optimization Solution that
makes an impact

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With our Retail Promotion Optimization Solution, retailers can:

Optimize promotions for maximum impact against their business goals


Leverage customer responses to past promotions, sales data, and other factors


Subsequently identify the promotions that will meet their objectives – sales, margin, transaction, and more

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Our Retail Promotion Optimization Solution helps retailers:

Optimize promotion costs by identifying the most effective promotions 


Target promotions to the right customers


Reduce promotion spend

Shopper checking their grocery receipt
With our Retail Promotion Optimization Solution, retailers can:

Increase sales and revenue


Attract price-sensitive customers


Maximize the value of each sale

Male and female couple placing groceries in the trunk of their car
Our Retail Promotion Optimization Solution delivers: 

Personalized and targeted promotions


Improved overall customer experience 


Increased customer loyalty



Action Halo Effects with AI to meet customer needs

Build a more profitable sales mix without raising prices using the Halo Effect whitepaper

The features that make us unique

Retail AI Solutions

Robust promo recommendations

Daisy recommends which items should be on promotion, at which price, but Merchandising Teams always remain in control. They set the optimization objectives and always have the option to accept or reject a recommendation. Daisy’s recommendations can be provided by channel, region, price zone and can support both near and long term promotion planning.
Retail AI Solutions

Cutting-edge AI

Our technology is based on the mathematical domains of reinforcement learning and optimal control. Daisy employs multiple AI-based methodologies and a proprietary mathematical theory (Theory of Retail™) to provide our clients with specific, actionable, ranked recommendations and decisions that are beyond human ability.
Retail AI Solutions

Promotions optimized for Halo Effect

Our AI leverages the Halo Effect to identify customer preferences, behaviors, and purchasing patterns - helping retailers create promotions that maximize Total Store Impact and are more likely to resonate with their customers. Our AI-powered decisions are leading indicators predictive of sales outcomes.
Retail AI Solutions

AI made simple

Our patented software runs autonomously, preventing human error and inefficiencies in your promo planning process. Daisy takes the complexity out of artificial intelligence; we provide plain-language explanations for all our recommendations.

Learn more about our tech

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